
USA Restaurant Email List

USA Restaurant Direct Mailing and Email Marketing List

Access our full USA database of verified restaurant owners email address, direct mailing address, phone number and more!

Triple Verified

Restaurant Email Addresses and Mailing Lists

List of Restaurant Email Addresses - 100% Verified Emails Guaranteed

At Restaurant Email List, we take pride in the quality and accuracy of or data. That’s why we guarantee the accuracy of all email addresses and contact information and other data included on our Restaurant Email Lists. Get in touch with the decision makers that have the ability to make large buying decisions.

Download Accurate Contact Data and Valid Email Addresses

We provide our clients the with only the most trusted and qualified restaurant leads available. Our comprehensive database of Restaurant business contact lists feature the most thoroughly vetted and verified email addresses and contact information available

Email addresses of restaurant chain decision makers

We offer ready-made restaurant email databases and mailing lists to enable sales teams and get our clients in touch with restaurateurs, owners, managers and other decision makers at major restaurant chains in over 20 nations.

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Restaurant Email List by the Numbers


restaurant lists sold


experts working


awards won


satisfied customers

Why You’ll Love our Restaurant Email Lists & B2B Mailing Database

Regularly updated and verified using a proprietary triple verification process, we’ve put together the most comprehensive and accurate email list of restaurant owners, executives and decision makers available.

  • CRM Upload Ready
  • Email addresses verified as 100% deliverable
  • owners of single & multi-location restaurants
  • QSR and casual dining restaurants
  • Instant download


Restaurant Email Lists Trusted by AMEX
Restaurant Email Lists Trusted by HotSchedules
careerbuilder trusts restaurantemaillist.com

Rating: 5 out of 5.

“Excellent Service”

Their service is brilliant! I really hope some of them are now using your service.


Rating: 5 out of 5.

“Love the flexibility”

We are very happy with the results of the campaign and we value the accuracy and comprehensiveness of the restaurant mailing lists.


Rating: 4 out of 5.

“Fantastic quality”

I’m really appreciating the quality and ease of use. The support I received was outstanding.


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